• There are several obstruction marking spheres in the color of red, orange, white, red/white and the feature of them.
  • There are three orange warning spheres and the feature of them.

Warning Sphere Warn Pilots Used in Power Line

Havad Industrial Limited is a professional manufacturer and seller of various warning spheres, such as obstruction marking sphere and warning sphere. Warning spheres we produced has many colors, such as orange, red, white, white/red, white/orange. Sphere diameter can be 200-1300 mm. Obstruction marking sphere is made of FRP and has two clamp. Warning sphere is made of polyethylene without metal fitting.

The picture shows an orange obstruction marking sphere with two clamps.
Obstruction marking sphere with two clamps.
The picture shows an orange warning sphere on the conductor.
Warning sphere with two slots.
Many marking spheres is installed on the highest wire in the color of red, yellow and white.
Marking sphere is installed on the highest wire.

Why overhead wires should install warning sphere?

Warning sphere is the landmark installed on high voltage overhead wires used for nighttime high voltage warning. It is the newest high voltage warning equipment, its performance keeps ahead level through national authority testing. It installs on overhead power lines directly, marked color make people and vehicles find the power lines early and take measures to prevent, further to decrease high voltage power lines safety accidents.

Warning sphere main features

  • Various specification.
  • Easy to install.
  • Resistant to corrosion, rust, high temperature.
  • Not influence the high voltage power lines.
  • Adapt rain, snow, ice, oil and other environment.
  • Over ten years service life.


Marking spheres installation note

  • The spacing between two consecutive marking spheres or between a marking sphere and a supporting tower should be appropriate to the diameter of the marking sphere.
    • The maximum spacing is 30 m with sphere's diameter is 600 mm.
    • The maximum spacing is 35 m with sphere's diameter is 800 mm.
    • The maximum spacing is 45 m with sphere's diameter is 1300 mm.
  • If multiple wires or cables are involved, marking sphere should be located in the highest wire.
  • When installed, different colors' marking spheres should be displayed alternately. The color selected should contrast with the background to ensure marking spheres will be seen clearly.
  • Obstruction marking spheres should alternate aviation orange, white, yellow, with aviation orange markers positioned at each end.
  • If less than four markers are on the line, all markers should be aviation orange.
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